Size of ROM for n-bit Adder/Subtractor
ROM is a read-only memory which is used to store the data. The memory in the ROM is organized as a two-dimensional array of memory cells. The memory will read or write the contents of one of the rows of the array. This row is specified by an Address which are bits. The value read or written is called Data....
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Difference between Hardwired and Microprogrammed Control Unit
Prerequisite – Hardwired and Micro-programmed Control Unit...
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Cache Memory Performance
Types of Caches :...
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How does Volatile qualifier of C works in Computing System
Prerequisite: Computing systems, Processing unit...
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Difference between Input and Output devices
Input Devices: Input devices are the component of the computer system that accepts incoming data and instructions and converts them into a pattern of electrical signals in binary code that is understandable to a digital computer. Example: Keyboard, mouse etc....
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Direct memory access with DMA controller 8257/8237
Suppose any device which is connected to input-output port wants to transfer data to memory, first of all it will send input-output port address and control signal, input-output read to input-output port, then it will send memory address and memory write signal to memory where data has to be transferred. In normal input-output technique the processor becomes busy in checking whether any input-output operation is completed or not for next input-output operation, therefore this technique is slow....
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Clock Speed
Clock speed, also known as clock rate or clock frequency, is a measure of how fast a computer’s central processing unit (CPU) can execute instructions. It is typically measured in gigahertz (GHz). Higher clock speeds generally mean that a CPU can process more instructions per second, and thus can perform better on tasks that require fast processing....
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Serial I/O Lines in 8085 Microprocessor
Introduction :...
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Symmetric Stripline
T=Thickness W=Width Er=Relative Permittivity H=Distance between Ground Planes...
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Interlacing : Advantages , Problems, Working
Interlacing specifies how the image is produced in the system’s display unit. An interlaced display creates an image by scanning each line, followed by a scan of the line opposite the preceding line. It offers a quicker refresh rate. The disadvantage of this strategy is that the content displayed on the screen may fluctuate or have visible lines in it....
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Microprocessor | Intel x86 evolution and main features
Intel x86 architecture has evolved over the years. From a 29, 000 transistors microprocessor 8086 that was the first introduced to a quad-core Intel core 2 which contains 820 million transistors, the organization and technology have changed dramatically. Some of the highlights of the evolution of x86 architecture are:...
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How to Install Logisim on Windows?
Logisim is a very powerful tool that is used to design and simulate digital logic circuits. Digital logic circuits are the electronic circuits that are made up of using different logic gates like AND gate, OR gate, NOT gate, NOR gate, NAND gate, etc. Logisim is free and open-source software that helps in simulating not only electronic circuits but it has the ability to simulate the entire CPU. It is a cross-platform software. Logisim was developed by Carl Burch. Different versions of logisim have been released. The latest version for windows is 2.7.1...
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